Monday, March 1, 2021

Home Education - Lockdown Life

 I have been incredibly privileged to work with amazing parents like this parent. Malo 'aupito for your support and all parents of Room 1. 

Tamina and mum are working together to complete this task. It is not easy to do things outside your comfort zone so therefore great 'pakipaki' to all parents for being there for your children.


  1. Awesome home learning Tamina ... Keep up the great work!

  2. You are doing great as a home learner Tamina, well done

  3. Good effort Tamina! Keep up the awesome work!
    -Miss Tavioni

  4. Yayee Tamina, that's the way to go. Re-read your sentence to remind you what's the word.
    Malo e ngaue mei 'api na.


United Nations Performance!